Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Change is Good?

Simple answer: Yes. Change is always good.

It's funny because when we get into a routine and are use to our every day surroundings, change can be seen as negative. When something does not go the way we want it to or we need to adjust our plans, we get so upset and frustrated and decide to put a negative spin on change. The truth of the matter is that life IS change. No matter what aspect of life we are talking about (school, work, relationships, family) change is inevitable. How do we survive all this change? It is very simple: embrace it.

When something changes in our live's that is so unexpected or so unwelcome we usually find ourselves thinking "I wish I could go back to when things were normal" or "I wish I could change this". Why do we do this? We become so use to the way life is flowing that we forget life isn't linear. Life isn't as simple and one dimensional as we may all think. When things change we need to understand that this is the natural order of life. If life didn't throw us these curve balls, believe me it would be extremely dull.

Why do I say change is good? It's because it always leads to something new. Something we have never experienced before and may have never had the opportunity to experience it had it not been for the change happening in our lives. Change opens up a whole new perspective on the world. No matter how negative change may feel at first, it is all happening to us because we are meant to experience it. Embrace it, it is the best thing you can do!

So my advice to all of you: don't dwell on what could have been and accept the change. No matter how hard a time we may be having accepting changes, there is always something bright on the horizon. Problem is when we dwell on the change, we ignore the positive that comes with it. I'm not making this up! I haven't blogged in a while because there have been many changes in my life but in the end, things work for the best! Remember: Somewhere, over the rainbow, sky's are blue!

P.S. all you ladies out there, check out my friend's blog: http://xo-girlmeetsworld-xo.blogspot.com/ It is actually amazing! Also, stay tuned, I have a big interview with a special guest coming in the next few days ;)


  1. Well said! I completely agree with you. Change is simply something we need to get used to. That's why I like to just go with the flow, if you keep at a routine too much, you might be missing out on a lot of other opportunities and people. Going with the flow is just embracing what life throws at you, good or bad, once you get passed it there's always something new and I think that's a good thing!

  2. so inspirational steven! for real, i really like this post :)
    im curious though, who's this interview with?

  3. i should print this out n frame it!!!
