5. Satanico Pandemonium (Salma Hayek) - From Dusk till Dawn, 1996
First, I want to say that this movie is one bad ass flick. Yes, we are aware that in this movie Salma probably has maybe 2 or 3 lines ate the most but who cares. When Satanico comes out and starts doing her dance, it went from 6 to noon in every guys pants. She does her sexy little dance in her sexy little outfit and there was automatically a shortage of lotion and kleenex all over the world. Sure she turns into some ugly ass vampire and starts killing, but we can look past that. I mean, I can as long as she does that on her own time, not when she's with me.
4. Rachel Jansen (Mila Kunis) - Forgetting Sarah Marshall, 2008
Rachel Jansen is one of our all time favourites. Lets look at the obvious: she's fucking beautiful, she has a great smile, and a nice little tight body. Now let's look past that: is it just me or was Rachel the funnest hostess of all time? I mean, she starts hanging out with Peter, they start partying. She's funny, can take a joke, and can throw down when she has to. She even knows there's a topless picture of her in a bar bathroom and she's totally cool with that. Come on, if Rachel Jansen isn't in your top 5, you need to seriously re-evaluate your list.
3. Princess Leia Organa (Carrie Fisher) - Return of the Jedi, 1983
In "A New Hope", she wore that conservative white gown. In "The Empire Strikes Back", she was bundled up for the cold weather. So when she came out in "Return of the Jedi" sporting this skimpy gold bikini, you better believe that every Star Wars nerd got friction burns on their hands. To this day nerds still pleasure themselves to this image. Who knew that Princess Leia had such a great bod?! Not only that, but while wearing this little number she still manages to handle her business and dispose of Jabba the Hut. It takes a special kind of Princess to manage that task.
2. Natalia Rushman/Natasha Romanoff (Scarlett Johansson) - Iron Man 2, 2010
By day, she's the by the books sexy as hell Natalia Rushman. By night, she's the leather wearing, sexy as hell Natasha Romanoff. We know all girls have secrets but damn, this is one sexy ass secret. Even if she wasn't wearing the leather and just stuck to her pencil skirts, heels, and tight blouses, our jaws would still be on the floor. On top of all that, she can kick some ass. She's got some nice moves, so we know she's flexible. I wouldn't mind going a couple of rounds with her if you know what I mean.
1. Nancy Callahan (Jessica Alba) - Sin City, 2005
What guy doesn't have Jessica Alba in their top 5? Now picture Jessica Alba as a stripper, constantly in skimpy outfits, doing provocative dances. That, my friends, is Nancy Callahan. This chick is one sexy devil. For a girl who was kidnapped and almost raped/killed at the age of 11, we think she turned out just fine. What makes her different from all the other girls on the list? Well for starters, she is hella tough. I mean, after being whipped the way she was and still not scream, that has to count for something. And even when it seems as though the end was near, she still mocks the bad guys. That is one tough, sexy mamma. For these reasons, Nancy Callahan is our number one hottest/sexiest female movie character.
We did it guys. We got through the entire list. But I'm curious to see who's on you list. Drop us a line and let us know who would be on your list or who you feel didn't deserve to be on it. We hope to hear from you soon!