Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Man that's AWESOME!

Ever notice that as you get older you find less and less "awesome" things? I mean, when you're young everything seems awesome. Got a new toy.. AWESOME! No homework today.. AWESOME! I'm allowed to stay up past 9PM.. AWESOME! Sounds pretty crazy huh? But believe it or not, we all thought little things were awesome.

Now it feels like most things are not even half as awesome. We're so busy trying to finish school, start our careers, be good friends, and do it all while partying as hard as possible. We get so distracted with life that we don't take the time to appreciate the little things in life. Well this entry is dedicated to a couple things that i once found awesome and that I feel will ALWAYS be awesome no matter what.

The first of these is a video game. You guys remember Ocarina of Time?!?! That is probably the greatest game I have ever played on any console! This game had it all. Action, adventure, love, comedy, and yes even unexpected twists. Man when I found out *spoiler alert* Sheik was actually Zelda in disguise, it blew my mind! They just don't make games like this anymore. Sure there are a ton of good games with unreal graphics but nothing stacks up to Ocarina of Time (OoT).

You know what else, or WHO else, is awesome? Barney Stinson! In fact, he's so awesome that he inspired this post. So for those that don't know, Barney Stinson is a character played by Neil Patrick Harris. He is the ultimate ladies man and makes the show what it is. When Barney is in the room there is never a dull moment and laughs are guaranteed! In fact, Neil Patrick Harris himself is pretty awesome. His role on "Glee" was so badass.

Ya I know, it's not much of a list but OoT has been on my mind for a while now and I just watched a "best of Barney Stinson" video on youtube and I was inspired to write about how awesome they are! What do you guys think will always be awesome no matter what? I'm interested in hearing what you guys got..

Oh and also, my g-friend is pretty damn awesome. She's the most awesome girl I know!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Time Fly's When..

So today I get a message on my bbm from a Mr. Leonardo Perez, also known as my bffff, saying "dude, you haven't blogged in a while". You know what, he was right! It's now almost the end of August and I haven't hit up the blogspot in a while! Not to make excuses and all but man has August been one hell of a month. August has been turning out to be one of the busiest months of 2010 to date. Wondering what you missed? Well my friends, here's a bit of an update.

For starters, you guys ever watch the show "Dexter"? My buddy Lui actually got me into it a while back. I watched the first season but stopped. However, this month I got back into it and let me tell you, this is one hell of a show. Lidia (the g-friend for those that don't know) has gotten into it as well and she love's it just as much. Really good show, plenty of twists, and just a damn good show all around.

Also, my parents and sister have been gone this whole month. I've been all alone for the past 2 weeks because my family decided to go to Ecuador without me. Well actually, they wanted me to go but i couldn't get the time off work. You know how they say you don't know what you got till it's gone? Well, believe me you it's been so weird without them here. They come home soon and man i cannot wait for everything to go back to normal.

Although my parents have been gone, I've been lucky enough to have the greatest girlfriend in the world. She's always there for me and even comes over from time to time, cooks dinner, and leaves me lunch for the next day. I'm a pretty lucky guy aren't I? I definitely think so. We're going to Niagara for a weekend, should be an amazing time.

Time sure does fly when you're having fun.. when you're busy with "Dexter".. When your family is gone.. August is done in less then 2 weeks and we all know what that means: SCHOOL!!! Another 8 months of studying, reading, working hard. Only this time, I'm going to be working full time while doing it. Its going to be hard but I got to do it. Wish me luck..

P.S. That running thing... that was an epic fail.......... yyaaaaaaaaa *cough*..